You Say Potato

Mashed Cauliflower

The first thing I thought of when I was told no more potatoes was of my beloved garlic mashed potatoes that accompany every roast that comes out of my oven. What would a juicy roast be without that side dish of bliss? So when I put in a pork roast the other day, the first since the potato ban started, I needed something to ease the pain. I came across a recipe for mashed cauliflower and thought, why not? I made my recipe the way I normally would, simply substituting cauliflower for potatoes. I was prepared to hate it, ready to grimace; I didn't, on either count. I enjoyed it! I went back for seconds! While it isn't exactly like the potatoes I used to love, it tastes very similar, has a similar texture and is really quite good!

Mashed Cauliflower

1 large cauliflower head, chopped into florets
4 large cloves garlic, cut into half
2 t. Celtic Sea Salt
1 t. pepper
1/4 c. milk

Add cauliflower and garlic into pot with enough water to cover them. Bring to boil, then let simmer until they get nice and soft. Transfer to blender, add rest of ingredients, and grind up until smooth.

I also plan to try this recipe with the ingredients I use for my cheesy potatoes, which would mean adding cheese, sour cream, and onion to the ingredient list. Results on that another time!


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