You Say Potato

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About the Author

Hi, my name is Tawny Stillar!

For two years I struggled with a myriad of physical and emotional symptoms that doctors couldn't explain. I went through test after test, tried medication after medication and then, ultimately, gave up. I was told I would have to live with it and I did my best to do just that. Unfortunately, my best wasn't good enough in this scenario and the pain drove me down alternate routes of healing that I probably wouldn't have looked into otherwise. I was referred to a Naturopath, who diagnosed me with adrenal insufficiency and potato intolerance. And that's where this particular journey began.

While looking for information on food intolerance I was amazed by the amount of information designed to help out other intolerances, but disappointed that I couldn't find similar sites for my condition. Inspired by other bloggers who were putting their knowledge, recipes and coping lifestyles for their own diets on the web, I realized that the best outlet for helping myself would be to maybe help others in the process and "You Say Potato" was born! This blog will continue to grow to include potato free recipes, informational sources, and other helpful tidbits for the potato free individual.

In addition to being potato intolerant, I am also fruit/grain intolerant. This means I can eat fruits and I can eat grain, but not in combination; they must be consumed at least 6 hours apart. You'll see that reflected here as well in my posts and recipes, as anything I eat, besides being potato free, must be one or the other of these. I alternate them every other day, so you may see the terms "Fruit Day" or "Grain Day" come into play. This simply means if a recipe is compatible with grain day, that it will contain no fruit and vice verse.

As for me apart from the food and health aspect of my life - I live in beautiful Washington state with a very supportive husband, two rambunctious children and our bulldog, Bella. Besides staying home with my little ones, I run an online business that started as a natural parenting company but has grown to include many facets of natural living. Besides being an advocate of attachment parenting and natural living, I'm also extremely passionate about fiber arts and spend most of my time not already taken by my family and online pursuits with my knitting needles and spinning wheel. My other hobbies include cooking and baking, gardening, reading, and enjoying time with friends.

Thank you for visiting!

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